The European Conference on Non-linear Optical Spectroscopy (ECONOS) brings together between 60 and 90 researchers from around the world each year in a European country for an event spread over 3 and a half days on the theme of nonlinear spectroscopy, mainly Raman spectroscopy, applied to the diagnostic of various environments (combustion, plasmas, biological samples, new materials, etc.).


From a historical point of view, it was in 1982 that the European research community working on nonlinear optical diagnostics dedicated to the investigation of the gaseous environment and combustion processes decided to meet annually during a congress entitled European CARS workshop (CARS stands for Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering). In 2002, the community then expanded the scope of this conference to a wider range of nonlinear optical processes and was renamed ECONOS. Indeed, the same optical processes can be implemented to study gas flows such as combustion, living biological tissues or even nanomaterials (graphene). This broad field of application benefits all participants and allows mutual enrichment of the scientific communities to which it is aimed, as well as the construction of transversal collaborations. The techniques implemented are also multiple: developments of laser sources, microscopy, endoscopy, innovative detectors, for example, find their place in this congress.

The scientific topics covered for the conference shares the development or implementation of non-linear optical spectroscopic methods for the study of various samples, as for example:

  • reacting and nonreacting flows: combustions, plasmas, reactors, catalysts, wind tunnels, shock tubes;
  • biomedical sciences: microscopy, biological tissue imaging (cancer detection), medical research (drug release), fundamental studies of biological processes and cellular systems;
  • materials: label-free detection and identification of substances (explosive, pathogenic microorganisms, microalgae), characterization of nanomaterials (nanotubes, 2D structures) and polymers, chemical analysis of food and pharmaceutical products…


Invited speakers will give keynote-type educational presentations followed by selected oral presentations describing the state of the art of the scientific community's work and poster sessions. This conference format promotes strong interactions and exchanges between researchers and students, but also with industrial sponsors who help pave the way for future research topics thanks to innovative ideas and new technological solutions available.

As in previous editions, we scheduled a dedicated Industrial Session within the program of the conference, to offer to industrials the possibility to present their latest products, research and innovations. An exhibition room will also allow the industrial participants to present their equipment (lasers, detectors, spectroscopy, optomechanical instrumentation, etc.).


Some previous editions:

ECONOS 2024, Vienna, Austria, April 21-24

ECONOS 2020/2021, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 26-29

ECONOS 2018, Milan, Italy, April 8-11

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